I provide one-on-one counselling, psychotherapy, and life coaching with adult men and women. Sessions can be in-office, online, or telephone. Here are some of the areas that I work through with clients:

MOOD                              PERSONAL GROWTH          ADDICTIONS

Depression                        Motivation                                  Substance Use
Self-Esteem                       Productivity                                Alcohol Use
Anxiety                             Goal-Setting                               Process Addictions
Anger                               Health and Lifestyle                    Relapse Prevention

Stress & Burnout                Self-Discipline                            Abstinence

Loneliness                         Spirituality                                  Harm Reduction

Shame & Guilt                    Career Devlopment                   Motivation Issues

Mood Swings                     Self-care                                   Codependency



Communication                Grief and Loss                           Past or Current Trauma

Setting Boundaries           Parenting                                  Childhood Trauma

Assertiveness Skills           Career                                      Past or Current Abuse

Conflict                             Decision-Making                      Catastrophic Event

Emotional Withdrawal        Leaving Home                         Discrimination

Abusive Relationships        Retirement                                Neglect

Mistrust                             Separation and Divorce             Grief and Loss

Isolation or disconnect


You don’t have to have identified a reason, or a major problem to come to counselling. Coming to figure out what’s off  is reason enough. You are making the choice to take the first step.